Wednesday, September 10, 2008

'Tis the season - and the challenge!

Even though it's still early September, I'm already having to plan how to cope with the holiday season that is about to descend upon us. Typically this is the time of year that I lose complete control because of all the holiday foods, family gatherings, parties, etc.

I was reminded about this issue this morning when I was congratulating myself for getting past the box of chocolate chip muffins sitting in the kitchen at my workplace all week without being tempted to grab one (or two...or three). But my workplace is where I have the most difficulty.

  1. At my office we have a potluck staff luncheon every couple of months.
  2. For every staff person's birthday we have a party with ice cream and cake.
  3. The office manager's mother is a caterer so anytime she has left overs from an event or if she's testing out a new recipe, we are the recipients of her largesse.
  4. Because of the type of organization we are, during the holidays we are lavished with gifts of food - from both appreciative organization members that we serve or our vendors.
  5. Beginning at about Halloween and going well through Christmas there is always some delectable temptation sitting in the kitchen for our consumption.
  6. Any time a staff person bakes, or has leftovers from a party, they bring it to share with the rest of the staff.

So celebrating getting past the muffins may be premature - how am I going to resist all of the goodies about to be unleashed? The staff luncheons are easier to handle because we usually have enough variety that I can choose wisely and watch my portion control. The onslaught of chocolates, cakes, candy of all varieties, cheese balls, sausage rolls, etc. - that'll be the problem.

I'm taking suggestions on how to negotiate the next few months!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, Joyce - are you talking about me?!? That sounds like my office and I'm the culprit always taking stuff in for others to eat so I don't!!!

I've learned with potlucks...take something that's healthy that you really like and then load up on that, balanced out with a few healthy choices that others brought. And use a plastic spoon to serve - smaller portion! Drink lots of water and eat an apple first, it will fill you up before the potluck. That's my advice, as I have a full sheet cake left over from a party sitting on my counter calling to me!!